4 Steps / 4 Criteria / Guidelines / The Colours of Money
A typical Colours of Money Process.
Though sequential, its timescale is given by circumstances.
The Colours of Money
Introduction to associative economics
1: Competence
(The Individual)
Explore the deeper background to current events in order to have a sense for the future.
2: Structure
(i) General Overview
Identify the corporate form best suited to a particular business’s situation, especially regarding the way it is capitalised.
(ii) For/Not For Profit
Examine to what extent today’s for-profit/not-for-profit divide is necessary? Review the logic and relevance of current taxation regimes.
3: Money=Accounting
(Universal Language)
(i) Monetary History
Develop a long-term image of the origin, purpose and changing form of money.
(ii) Deep Accounting
Consider money and accounting as synonyms, so that accounting can become an instrument for perception (of what lives in one’s will).
4: Associating
Devise a financial plan as instrument for navigating one’s way in today’s financial world and as basis for associating.
Associative economic evaluation
Presentation A
(i) Balance Sheet
Present the current or opening balance sheet of one’s business, identifying why it is capitalised the way it is, both in terms of amounts and structure.
Presentation B
(ii) Financial Planning
Present the first year financing of one’s business, comprising budget, actual and variance over four quarters, along with a 5-year forecast.
Invite colleagues’ evaluation of one’s presentations.
Identify where change is needed and how it can be accomplished.
Testing associativeness
Embark on first year…