Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide

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In general, and mostly edited by Christopher Houghton Budd, these publications (view Full AEW List) are the result of collaborative work by a variety of means by the authors concerned, many of whom are colleagues in the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum.

Books by Gaudenz Assenza

Gaudenz Assenz is a teacher, researcher and educational innovator with more than 20 years experience in academia and the private sector. His… More…

Books by Marc Desaules

Marc Desaules lives and works in Switzerland. His original training in physics put him in good stead for his lifelong work as… More…

Books by Arthur Edwards

Arthur Edwards graduated from Oxford University in 1991 with a degree in Philosophy and Classical Literature, gained a research Masters from Buckingham… More…

Books by Anita Grandjean

Anita Granjean… More…

Books by Christopher Houghton Budd

Christopher Houghton Budd is an economic and monetary historian with a doctorate in banking and finance from Cass Business School, London. Though trying… More…

Books by Rudi Lissau

Rudi Lissau (1911 – 2004) Born in Vienna and died in Brookthorpe, United Kingdom, the late Rudi Lissau was a Steiner school teacher, author and… More…

Books by D’Arcy Mackenzie

D’Arcy Mackenzie (1960 – 2018) Born in Toronto, the late D’Arcy Mackenzie became an accountant and spent much of his career linked to the financial… More…

Books by Fionn Meier

Fionn Meier has a Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. His thesis was entitled ‘Money as accounting – historical… More…

Books by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian seer who made significant contributions to economics, from which much of associative economics derives. More…

Books by Christian Thal-Jantzen

Christian Thal-Jantzen… More…

Books by Marc Theurillat

Marc Theurillat… More…

Bookstore / Associative Economics Worldwide

Books by Various

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