Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books By Gaudenz Assenza > Gaudenz Assenza

Gaudenz Assenza is a teacher, researcher and educational innovator with more than 20 years experience in academia and the private sector. His interest is in systemic solutions that address root causes, integrating inner, social and ecological transformation. He holds a Master’s degree from Harvard, a Doctoral degree from the University of Oxford and a Habilitation from the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE). For many years, he taught at universities across Europe and the United States, bringing in new perspectives and lessons based on his practical work in organisations – most recently, as an innovator in the area of Human Resources, where he focused on transformation and future design. In all his activities, he seeks to reorient “success” from a narrow preoccupation with money and power toward broader goals related to the development of self, team, organisation and society.

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