Bookstore > Associative Economics Worldwide > Books by Christopher Houghton Budd, Marc Desaules, Anita Grandjean and Christian Thal-Jantzen > Step into Another World

Step into Another World Economic Life as a Medium for Modern Initiation
Christian Houghton Budd, Marc Desaules, Anita Grandjean and Christian Thal-Jantzen
Publication: 2019
ISBN: 978 0 948229 14 5
Price: £7.50
The world is falling into a seemingly endless mire of economic problems – failing democracy, poverty, the north-south divide, unstable markets, and wars of all kinds. What is the reality behind this? For Rudolf Steiner, for example, economic life is not something in and for itself, but an expression of spiritual conditions. When we find ourselves surrounded by so many negative events, therefore, we can be sure this is a sign that something fundamental is happening to humanity, but that we have yet to understand this experience. In this festival we would like to explore the possibility that today’s economic events provide a context and medium for modern initiation. If this is true and if it could be made a conscious experience, we would have a wholly new perspective on modern life and find ways to overcome the paralysis, fear, and sense of impotence that today’s conditions are engendering.
We would find, too, that the world we are seeking already exists, if only we could find the words to describe it. This will not be possible, however, without a concrete understanding of the deeper role of capital, entrepreneurship, and modern corporate forms. With themes such as Entrepreneur as Neophyte, Company as Temple, Finance as Guardian, and through a variety of activities, we would like to explore the idea of ‘initiation by economics’ as it can be illustrated by way of temple architecture and the corresponding inner process undergone within it. The festival programme will recapitulate this history and then follow it into modern economic life, in order to show the underlying mystery nature of today’s economy, why it has this character, and why we are having this experience at this moment in history. We hope that together we can begin to understand how ‘initiation economics’ can lead humanity beyond the ever-darkening situation that otherwise threatens to overwhelm us.