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Christopher Houghton Budd* is an economic and monetary historian with a doctorate in banking and finance from Cass Business School, London. Though trying to go ‘emeritus’, he continues to work independently in many contexts around the world, ranging from mainstream to ‘alternative’, central banking to organic farming, lay to academia. Born in England in 1948, he left school at 16 then spent his youth travelling, working on private yachts and learning the film business in California. In Berkeley in 1968, he developed a strong interest in Marxist ideas, but became convinced that Marx had failed to interpret his vision accurately. Prior to this time Houghton Budd had also met the work of Rudolf Steiner, whose contributions to sociology and economics have been of special interest to him ever since. During his 50 year career, he has initiated or participated in a variety of small, mostly ‘green’, businesses in fields as varied as farming, housing, food distribution, retailing and investment, and served for seven years as a local councillor and four as a state school governor. His particular interest is the development of associative economics, an approach to economics that combines financial discipline with active social responsibility on the part of people generally. On this basis, he especially focuses on youth financial literacy and the associated need to fund their aims and initiatives through ‘Youth Bonds’. *

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